After putting together 3 design boards we went into crits with our groups and discussed what we had found from our research. I was very proud of my group as they had found great research, and we really had a great depth of knowledge on specific areas of public transport.
We were given a 'How to' in which we would have to use this week to create a resolution.
The how to we were given was, 'How to make people want to use public transport.'
At first when we came out of the crit and started to brain storm how we would begin to resolve how brief as a group. I found that I came up with an idea in which I would have very much like to have had pursued, other members of the group did not seem too keen on this. Since the session on friday I have decided to begin working on the project by myself.
Public transport covers such a vast range of modes many of which were discussed in the crit, Buses, trains, trams, horse and cart, taxis, planes, Subways, boats, sky rides etc.
The section that I wanted to cover was transport via airplane. I had remembered something I had learnt about airplanes a while ago (My brother being very knowledgable on any aspect of them) The cost in which it is to fly on a plane, compared to the cost of petrol you have to put in your car, the cost is significantly lower.
I found that this would be a selling point in terms of persuading people to use a type of transport. I again found that trying to sell a whole sector of public transport would again be too much, and so I decided to focus on one particular airline company.
The airline company which I decided to focus on I chose this company as I have flown with them many times and so I really have a depth of knowledge on the experience the customer receives. The airline is based in Leeds therefore staying very much local. My brother also works for and so I am able to access a whole breadth of information on any area I may need.
I asked my brother about the positives of flying with and in turn we discussed the best selling points of the company.
The first point we contended to was the Idea that travelling on a plane particularly overseas would be a cheaper and quicker way of travel. Which would be a great selling point for the fast paced society in which we live. The destination I have chosen to use as an example is Malaga, one of's most popular destinations averaging 3 flights a day in the summer periods.
I visited in order to get an estimate of the cost of a one way flight from Leeds Bradford to Malaga, at peak summer season. I picked a random date at which a customer could fly Monday 12th August 2012. Customers are able to fly at 3 different times during the day, Evening, noon, and night. I have picked a 2pm noon flight which currently costs £66.49 taxes incl.
If a customer wants to add a bag (22kg) the added price is £16.49.
Customers can fly with 10kg hand luggage at no extra price, which many travellers find themselves adapting to if only travelling to a destination for up to a week.
The price of checking in online is £6.00 in comparison to airport check in which is £10.00.
Customers are paying less money and avoiding queues at the airport.
The flight takes 3 hrs and 5 minutes.
I had a look at the journey on Brittany ferries. Unfortunately there is no oppurtunity to sail straight from Leeds to Malaga. The best journey that can be taken is a ferry from Portsmouth to Santander.
Brittany ferries do not travel on Monday 12th of August and so I chose the closest date available, Tuesday 13th August.
On foot without an added car an adult would pay £75.00.
This is without travel between Leeds and Portsmouth and Santander and Malaga.
The ferry departs at 17.15 and does not arrive until 18:15 the following day (14th August) a full 24 hours.
'For overnight crossings, bookings without accommodation will only be accepted after all such accommodation has been reserved. Bookings cannot be accepted on our Spanish service without on board accommodation.'
The price of one reserved lounge seat is £10 with the cheapest and smallest 1-2 birth cabin being £95.
With a smaller sized car ontop of the single ticket the price jumps to £329.
Information taken from
I went onto google Maps in order to workout the time and cost it would be to travel to Malaga from Leeds by car. In current traffic (2nd December 8:30pm) the journey of 1608 miles would take 24 hours to complete none stop. The route involves driving through France and does not included ferry costs at the cross over from Dover to Calais.
Based on a standard sized car not large but no compact with a 1.4 litre petrol engine, the average fuel price for the whole journey comes to £319.55 as estimated by google maps.
This does not include the 15 Partial toll roads and 5 Toll roads shown on the journey.
Using to make the journey is clearly the cheapest and quickest way to travel to Malaga. offer allocated seats so that travellers know where they will be sat before they reach check in where as other tour operators such as Ryan air work by a first come first served basis.
Jet 2 also have new slimmer seats which enable customers to have larger legroom space.
Offer a friendly attentive service- Refreshments sold throughout flight. Customers are able to sit back and relax for the whole flight. Customers do not have to leave their seats for food or drink.
Drivers are unable to relax by travelling.
Travelling by ferry customers will have to go and find food and purchase an average of 3-4 meals adding extra cost due to the 24 hour journey.
Customers are able to check in online Avoiding large queues at the airport, at ports or at any train stations. won the best short haul airline award at the Globe travel awards 2012.
I would be able to tell if any publication I put out promoting is working via Dart Group PLC.
Dart group PLC are the company which own Jet2.
Dart Group PLC do a yearly Report and accounts on the improvements of each sector of Jet2.
From their records I would be able to tell If more people are using the operator to travel.
The report details load factors of flights, load factor is the percentage of seats sold when the plane leaves the runway. This number increased for 80% to 85% from 2010 to 2011 with airline seat capacity increasing by 7% in the year ending 31st March 2011. I would be able to tell if people are using this form of public transport more by accessing this data.
Information taken from Dart Group PLC Report and Accounts 2011.
In order to develop stable ideas for the brief we were to answer a few questions.
I asked my brother about the positives of flying with and in turn we discussed the best selling points of the company.
The first point we contended to was the Idea that travelling on a plane particularly overseas would be a cheaper and quicker way of travel. Which would be a great selling point for the fast paced society in which we live. The destination I have chosen to use as an example is Malaga, one of's most popular destinations averaging 3 flights a day in the summer periods.
I visited in order to get an estimate of the cost of a one way flight from Leeds Bradford to Malaga, at peak summer season. I picked a random date at which a customer could fly Monday 12th August 2012. Customers are able to fly at 3 different times during the day, Evening, noon, and night. I have picked a 2pm noon flight which currently costs £66.49 taxes incl.
If a customer wants to add a bag (22kg) the added price is £16.49.
Customers can fly with 10kg hand luggage at no extra price, which many travellers find themselves adapting to if only travelling to a destination for up to a week.
The price of checking in online is £6.00 in comparison to airport check in which is £10.00.
Customers are paying less money and avoiding queues at the airport.
The flight takes 3 hrs and 5 minutes.
I had a look at the journey on Brittany ferries. Unfortunately there is no oppurtunity to sail straight from Leeds to Malaga. The best journey that can be taken is a ferry from Portsmouth to Santander.
Brittany ferries do not travel on Monday 12th of August and so I chose the closest date available, Tuesday 13th August.
On foot without an added car an adult would pay £75.00.
This is without travel between Leeds and Portsmouth and Santander and Malaga.
The ferry departs at 17.15 and does not arrive until 18:15 the following day (14th August) a full 24 hours.
'For overnight crossings, bookings without accommodation will only be accepted after all such accommodation has been reserved. Bookings cannot be accepted on our Spanish service without on board accommodation.'
The price of one reserved lounge seat is £10 with the cheapest and smallest 1-2 birth cabin being £95.
With a smaller sized car ontop of the single ticket the price jumps to £329.
Information taken from
I went onto google Maps in order to workout the time and cost it would be to travel to Malaga from Leeds by car. In current traffic (2nd December 8:30pm) the journey of 1608 miles would take 24 hours to complete none stop. The route involves driving through France and does not included ferry costs at the cross over from Dover to Calais.
Based on a standard sized car not large but no compact with a 1.4 litre petrol engine, the average fuel price for the whole journey comes to £319.55 as estimated by google maps.
This does not include the 15 Partial toll roads and 5 Toll roads shown on the journey.
Using to make the journey is clearly the cheapest and quickest way to travel to Malaga. offer allocated seats so that travellers know where they will be sat before they reach check in where as other tour operators such as Ryan air work by a first come first served basis.
Jet 2 also have new slimmer seats which enable customers to have larger legroom space.
Offer a friendly attentive service- Refreshments sold throughout flight. Customers are able to sit back and relax for the whole flight. Customers do not have to leave their seats for food or drink.
Drivers are unable to relax by travelling.
Travelling by ferry customers will have to go and find food and purchase an average of 3-4 meals adding extra cost due to the 24 hour journey.
Customers are able to check in online Avoiding large queues at the airport, at ports or at any train stations. won the best short haul airline award at the Globe travel awards 2012.
I would be able to tell if any publication I put out promoting is working via Dart Group PLC.
Dart group PLC are the company which own Jet2.
Dart Group PLC do a yearly Report and accounts on the improvements of each sector of Jet2.
From their records I would be able to tell If more people are using the operator to travel.
The report details load factors of flights, load factor is the percentage of seats sold when the plane leaves the runway. This number increased for 80% to 85% from 2010 to 2011 with airline seat capacity increasing by 7% in the year ending 31st March 2011. I would be able to tell if people are using this form of public transport more by accessing this data.
Information taken from Dart Group PLC Report and Accounts 2011.
In order to develop stable ideas for the brief we were to answer a few questions.
Who needs to know?
What/why do they need to know?
How will you tell them?
Are you explaining, informing, instructing, or educating the audience?
What will the audience respond to, where will they look?
How will they need to interact with it?
How will you know it's working?
What is the tone of voice?
Who needs to know?
The general public, people who have previously flow with Jet 2, people who haven't flown with Jet2 in a while and the general public.
The general public, people who have previously flow with Jet 2, people who haven't flown with Jet2 in a while and the general public.
What/ why do they need to know?
Jet 2 is the best provider for making longer journeys abroad, this is made evident by time and money saved when choosing Jet2 as the travel Provider. Customers are also to be informed about other luxuries such as allocated seating and the ability to relax whilst they travel.
How will you tell them?
I will tell via a leaflet of which sections can be used as posters in train stations, bus stations, public places etc.
Are you explaining, informing, instructing, or educating the audience?
I think that I have combined all 4 of these in my project. I am explaining the deals available at Jet2, which is also informing them of these. Therefore I am educating them of the service and prices at Jet2. Which also underpins instructing/ convincing them to choose Jet2 as their travel operator.
What will the audience respond to? Where will they look?
I thought about doing a corsatina leaflet design that almost appeared as a fold out suitcase so that the audience could read/ see facts reading from left to right. They will also be able to see each of these sections witholding facts in poster format.
How will they need to interact with it?
Unfolding the corsatina leaflet, only viewing the posters.
How will you know it is working?
As explained above through Dart group.
What is the tone of voice?
The tone of voice is not too serious, its more of a lighthearted promotion that still uses facts to underpin the text. This lightheartedness is also backed up through use of illustration instead of photographs.
In order to begin thinking of ideas for the design of these pieces I began to look at Jet2's current branding and identity. I gathered a cull of images in order to inspire my design.
I noticed through these images that jet 2 used 3 particular colours which were red, grey and white, I will use these three colours in my design so that they appear as a continuum of the current work.
I have also chosen to go with the corsatina idea using the shape of a suitcase as this is related to travel.
following on from the font cover of the design there will be 4 sections, each with a motive text/visual of why you should choose to travel with Jet 2. These will be the points I have spoken about above. These will alternate in colour between red and grey.
Developing on from this I began to search for the font that Jet2 use for their logo and slogans. Unfortunately I could not find the one they use for the logo, and so I will have to trace this for future use, however I found that the typeface they use for subheadings was Franklin gothic heavy in italic.
I began to think of slogans and information I could put on each section of the leaflet that would promote and successively sell Jet2 to customers. I decided to elaborate on four different selling points, Jet2's low cost flights, shorter journey time than any other type of transport, Allocated and new slimmer seats with extra leg room and the ability to sit back and relax whilst flying, a concept unavailable when travelling by car.
I brainstormed slogans and information below, and then chose my 4 sets of text which I put in the leaflet.
first section used to promote Jet 2 as low cost airline, Although Jet2 is now considered as a leisure airline their prices are still highly competitive in relation to other transport and airline operators.
Leave your money in the bank.
Leeds to Malaga. from £88.98
By car (1.4 ltr Petrol) £319.55 Britanny Ferries from £85
(Portsmouth to Santander)
Second section used to promote Jet 2 as a fast way to travel in comparison to other options such as traveling by car or ferry.
At we know that time is precious.
Leeds to Malaga. 3hrs 05 minutes.
By car 24hrs. Britanny Ferries 24 hrs.*
*Not Including travel to and from Portsmouth and Santander.
Third section used to promote Jet2's allocated seat service and then new seat design for extra comfort. Competing against other low cost airlines such as Ryanair, who base seating upon first come first serve, will which they offer priority boarding.
Are you sitting
(A slogan I took from:
Great Allocated seats!
Sit where you want,
not where you wouldn’t.
Now in our slimmer seats with extra legroom.
Fourth section used to promote the idea of relaxation whilst travelling on Jet2,.com.
Nose to the wheel and no break in sight?
Sit back, relax,
And let our friendly service come to you.
I then went into illustrator and inputed the layout I had drawn above and added the text in Franklin gothic heavy italic.
I decided after looking at the design that it seemed slightly uneven. I have decided to put another suitcase layout at the end of the design in order to create a balance. I was unsure about what colour I would choose for this section as I wanted to place a classic Jet2 logo on the back cover which uses a lot of red. Although currently the last section is grey, I dont think this will create an imbalance as they will be folded away from each other when made into a corsatina.
I then began to work with the font and back covers to try create some coherent design. I drew a couple of designs by hand, using the Jet2 logo, an image of one of the aircraft and trying out a pattern that Jet 2 currently use.
I created a design in which the front and back match shown below, which I then took into illustrator.
I also created a design in which was inspired by my previous research of way finding signs. I wanted to amplify jet2 as an easy way to travel. And so they way finding symbols I have chosen to include on the font cover are from the 50 passenger/pedestrian symbols created by AIGA (
I chose to use the symbols for packing a bag (suitcase), check in, and flying (a plane) as these will symbolise traveling with Jet2 takes 3 easy steps.
I have decided to go with the design in which I have included the way finding symbols, as I found that the other design used too much of the same pattern of which made the design overwhelming.
I had found the pattern on one of the images I had culled earlier which Is also shown above.
I had found through researching Jet2's current promotion design that they always use photographs, mostly of destinations. I wanted to create visuals that the audience felt they could really connect with, and so I started to draw up my own range of illustrations.
For my actual character illustration, I found it quite hard to get down on paper the set of facial features I had come up with in my head and so I began to research different character illustration. I wanted to create an illustration of a person that looked like a typical holidaymaker/ traveller.
For the facial features I came cross a great image that consisted of a collage of character design,
The character I though most fitted the image that I had in my head was the one of a man in the bottom right hand corner, and so I decided to take the eyes and nose shape from this character to influence the design of my character.
As he was supposed to be a traveller I wanted to give him stereotypical properties of a traveller, therefore giving him a cork hat to wear traced from
and with a camera around his neck.
With several perspectives down I then drew the character up in illustrator.
I have filled the illustration grey, as I want it to look like an outline illustration, I would normally not bother to fill an object in if I only want to use it as an outline, but I have taken the precaution to fill it grey incase it overlaps with another object, I didn't want this to show through.
I have decided to use a this particular illustration adapted to fit two of my selling points, the first is the 'At we know time if precious segment' and the second 'Nose to the wheel with no break in sight'.
For the first Idea I had pictured the character looking down at a watch, however I felt that this would be too hard to see as the characters arm is very small and this would be quite taxing to try view and understand. Therefore I had an idea to show the character stood taking care of a clock, which would take on a human persona and have a happy expression. For this design I used parts of the image below, redrawn in illustrator and adapted with my own ideas.
I found that trying to accomodate this illustration in the relaxing whilst travelling was difficult. I tried to sketch the character sat down on the seat relaxing with a cocktail in their hand, but I just couldn't get the perspective of the body right. To compromise I thought of a second Idea in which involved the character still stood up, with a cocktail in hand, except in this illustration is seemingly looked like he had taken his steering wheel and thrown it behind him and it is left oscillating on the ground.
To do this I took and image of a steering wheel that was quite flat

To do this I took and image of a steering wheel that was quite flat

traced around it and adapted it to my idea, and then layered it at an opposite angle to create the oscillating effect.
Cocktail also influenced by
Creating a design for the first saving money section was the easiest and simplest, I know what I had wanted to do straight away. With the caption 'Leave your money in the bank' I wanted to create a simple illustration of money going into a piggy bank.
I found an image online of which I could use to trace the shape of a piggybank, then adding similar facial features to my person character (eyes) to make the illustration cohere with the set. I drew this up in illustrator and added it to the leaflet.
I found an image online of which I could use to trace the shape of a piggybank, then adding similar facial features to my person character (eyes) to make the illustration cohere with the set. I drew this up in illustrator and added it to the leaflet.
For my last illustration (Allocated seats) I again wanted to do an illustration of the character sat down in a seat which he found uncomfortable, to represent why people should choose allocated seats. However establishing that I was not able to draw him sitting down earlier I decided to try and illustrate him choosing which seat he wanted to sit in. In order to draw a jet 2 seat accurately I scanned in an image of the new slimmer seats from Jet2's Report and accounts 2011 booklet my brother had lent to me. From this image I traced the outline of the whole chair.
I then illustrated the back of the character as if he was trying to climb onto/ choose a chair.
I then put all the sections I had designed together into illustrator and joined them up to create the fornt of the corsatina leaflet.
The design being a corsatina leaflet, needed some kind of overall design on the back to bring the whole project together. I chose to go for a simple design in which would not detract from the front of the leaflet.
Using the logo I had already traced, textures I had drawn and the Franklin Gothic heavy italic font I created this simple design for the back of the leaflet.
I also tried out what the sections would look like as posters as the leaflet is being sent to People who have flown with Jet2 in the past, recently and my jet 2 members. I wanted to be able to contact people who hadn't flown with Jet2 before. Here I have placed two of the sections onto a bus shelter. I would have preferred them If they would have fitted the bus shelters properly without leaving white gaps but unfortunately they are the wrong shape for this. However this does give spaces to include the Jet2 logo.
Some of the writing also seems unreadable to be read from any sort of distance, therefore I dont not think these posters would be appropriate for such hubs as bus shelters, but more for reading upclose in train and bus stations etc. For pedestrian viewers who are walking past.
Original bus shelter:
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