Tuesday 26 February 2013

OUGD404: Week 3 - What is a book?

Construction of grids.
Grids and Divine proportions. 

-Before you can apply a grid you need to understand the requirement of the grid for the work to be produced.
-Thumbnail sketches will make the your job of layouts easier and productive. 

Before drawing sketches consider if the publication is single page or double page spread. Consider columns, Is the piece going to be image or text heavy?

Implementing columns enables more freedom for design, 1 column for text and 1 for illustration. Columns can be subdivided for more variation. These columns can also be mixed together. 

The larger the amount of columns, the smaller the typeface will be have to used, and text sections will be narrower. This is however reliant on the function needing to be performed.

A functional way to represent stats is through a four column format. 
The width of the column dictates the size of the typeface used. 

the rule is: The narrower the column the smaller the typeface. 

When making thumbnails, make a wide range. Start by making small thumbnails. Then pick ones out you think will be appropriate for a project, these can be enlarged on a 1:1 scale, and again picking ones that seem more appropriate.

The first line must fit flush the the top of the column grid. 
The last line must stand on the bottom limit. 
If it does not fit the first time around, you may need to resize the grid field as it is too high or too low. 

10 point type.

15 point leading.
15cm column length. 
At this length there is 10 lines per grid.
text must lie on the line or just above the bottom limit of the grid when creating a continuos column of text. 

Create the gutters to be the height of your text. 

Font heights:
Caption text: 4 point type: 6 point leading. 
Header and footer text: 7 point type: 10 point leading. 

Body text: 10 point: 13 point leading.
Headline: 40 point type: 30 point leading. 

Type and picture- 8 field grid:
8 field grids are used frequently for advertising material and brochures. 
If using 8 field grids you can subdivide to 16 field grids.
8 and 16 grid fields give you a range of possibilities. 

You know you have the right point size when a line of the text fits perfectly into the gutter separations. 
8 grid fields allow various sizes of illustrations to be portrayed. 
You can use with or without text. 

Variations of an 8 field grid:

20 field grid is the best grid to start using straight away, with 42 possible layouts.
4 columns and 5 rows. 

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