Sunday 11 November 2012

OUGD403- Design skills- Message and delivery 2 crit.

The crit which we had was quite different this week and although It took alot longer which was mainly due to having to do one after another instead of them being simultaneous, I found it to be one of the most useful ones yet. 
The class split into two groups, I being in the first group had to go into studio 2 and lay my posters out on the specific table I had been told. when we left the room, Group two came into the studio, and the posters where assessed by 3 different people. 
I found that 2 pieces of feedback I was given were helpful and the third simply said what they didn't like about my work and then did not tell me how to improve upon anything and so I will be working from the two sheets of feedback that gave me responsive information. 
Both pieces of feedback said that they understood the concept/ statement I was intending to portray. 
Visuals that people were unsure about were the legibility of the text, some letters may be harder to understand and unsure why my character was carrying a backpack? Which I had added as i was a feature I saw in most young males.
Both people said that my purpose had been outlined well.
There Is suggestion in both pieces of feedback that I could experiment with colour, however one commented that I could lose the affect of photography through this. I will try implementing colour into the type such as using red for the words 'Heart disease' which one person had suggested I try. Nonetheless I am unsure how to implement this colour into the other posters.
The use of horizontal lines on each poster works well for coherency as well as consistent styles for type and illustration design. 
It was very clear which was my Image, Type and Type and image poster.
My unique characters and typefaces made my work memorable. One person like the fact I was offering both a message and a solution. 
Both people said that I had been successful in my brief however they want me to experiment with red in particular to further develop my resolutions.  

Here are the three posters after I have implemented red.


I am unsure of the use of red, solely in the third (just image) poster, as it does not contrast aswell as the others which have darker backgrounds, therefore I will ask other people again, which they feel communicates the brief best and which is most impacting. Although I think the third poster looks better without the red hearts. I will convert these back to white and lower the opacity of the image, so that there is a bigger contrast similar to that in posters one and two.

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