Now That I have all 4 paintings done, I can think about starting to apply them to to my packaging.
In order to do this, using the measurements discussed and found in my previous post I will create 2 different nets. One for the outside Layer of the tea lights box and one for the outside layer of the small pillar box.
Tea lights:
Small pillar:

In terms of applying colour to the nets I knew that the section I wanted to apply the patterns to were very much horizontal based, Therefore I would have to do my best to create a seamless pattern by repeating/ reflecting the design.
I applied the 4 painting textures so both box designs, to produce the 8 box designs (outside layers) that I needed.
Once I had done this I started to design the simple labels that would go on the front of each of the boxes. The labels include:
The Yankee candle Aromatherapy spa text.
Name of the candle.
Size of candle (small pillar or tealight)
I also want colour co-ordinate these labels with the colours on each piece of packaging, so that each candle is easily distinguishable by a colour theme.
Above is the design that I came up with. The design is very simple and elegant, and appears very minimal against the hand painted background of the packaging. It is important that I try and portray this kind of aesthetic as Yankee candle is a premium brand. I picked the colour combination, white and then the blue purple shade from the pattern on the box and so the label and surrounding packaging were well reflective of each other. I chose the same fonts as the ones I used for my Yankee candle research publication, as these were the ones used across the entire Yankee candle brand.
This label can be used for both the tea light and the small pillar box as the boxes are round about the same size, this would work be interchanging only the bottom information on the label.
I moved onto the next piece of packaging adapting the label design to suit the different choice of colour.
I found that the label design I created, by interchanging colours brought consistency to the range. I was scared, although I tried to paint all 4 four textures in the same style, that they wouldn't look coherent and the collection would look very fragmented due to the vast difference in colour on each box. This consistent label, as well as the consistent shape of the box I will be constructing helps the collection to look whole.
I selected a core colour from each box, by colour picking a colour in the painting, making the design more whole and enhancing consistency.
Now that I produced all the front labels, I want to create small descriptions for the back of the box, which talk more about the fragrance and the effects of each of the candles.
I started writing out descriptions for each of the fragrances:
Silent slumber:
Slip into a silent slumber, with a rhythmic and harmonious blend of lavender and sandalwood graced with hints of dreamy vanilla, for a restful and rejuvenating nights sleep.
Kindled spirit:
Boost your spirit with a zesty fusion of orange, grapefruit and lemon. The sprightly and sparkling synthesis of citrus fruit will awaken a new burst of energy and leave the mind and soul bounding and bare for a new beginning.
Slow down:
Drift away to a soothing paradise and enjoy the ebbs and flows of life. Truly relax with the leisurely fragrance medley of spiced apple and berries. A fusion that will alleviate and eliminate the weight and worries of high blood pressure.
Memories of Joy:
Remember and experience great memories of joy with the uplifting fragrance fusion of of jasmine, camomile and lively lemon. The sunny and subtle notes of citrus combined with calming camomile will relieve any anxiety and leave the mind and soul serene and ready for a new beginning.
In terms of the aesthetics of the descriptions I wanted them to have an almost identical visual appearance to the labels on the front of the box for consistency.
I have used exactly the same design, removing the size of candle and instead implementing this with the descriptions written above.
I now have all digital elements together and completed for the Yankee Candle boxes. Here are the final box designs for the 4 different fragrances which I print out in both tea light box size and small pillar candle size.
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